Google Maps decided to add a new feature, offering users the ability to use hashtags in reviews. Consumers can now add hashtags when reviewing a place they have visited, a move that will bring in more traffic based on the hashtag used. For business owners, the change is a new way to market their business. With online marketing in Colorado Springs, the new feature can easily be used to push a business to the next level when generating traffic.

Encouraging Google Reviewers

Google is encouraging members of the Local Guides program to go back and add hashtags to their reviews since the new feature has been added. The program is used to reward members for sharing information in their reviews as well as knowledge and photographs about businesses and other places they visit.

Hashtags can easily be used in reviews to find places via Google Maps. Take for example a vegetarian restaurant. If you were searching for a vegetarian menu, you could use the hashtag #vegetarian to find options based on what reviewers have posted.

When it comes to your online marketing plans, using hashtags in Google Maps can help you get a leg up on the competition. Reports indicate that hashtags must be specific in order to be useful for the business. General terms will not be useful in driving traffic to your location. Consider hashtags that include keywords that will easily allow your business to be found via a Google Maps search.

Additional New Features

When using Google Maps for online marketing, additional features can be used alongside the new hashtag feature, to further push your business to the next level. In October, a new follow feature was added that allows users to track businesses to find out about sales or deals on offers, events, news, etc. Along with this new feature, Google has added a My Business app option that allows business owners to update their profile page on Maps, adding new content.

Businesses can easily use the updated application to include news they wish to share with followers. The app can also be used to view and respond to messages and reviews on Google Maps. By learning more about the features offered via Google Maps, business owners can utilize additional tools to bring in traffic online as well as in person.

Take time to update your Google Maps page and integrate hashtags as well as adding information to your profile to increase your level of online marketing.  If you’re needing help with this, please contact us at Talk Out Loud.