Customers confide in public ratings and reviews when they’re shopping for just about anything. What Customers say about their experiences has a direct impact on your business.

Open source reviews, such as Google or Yelp, can shape, make, or break your business. As consumers search for products and services that best meet their needs, they’re also helping you keep up with industry trends. According to a Zendesk survey, 90% of participants claimed that positive online reviews influenced their buying decision, and 86% said their decision was influenced by negative reviews. Encourage your staff to solicit for customer reviews as it is important to establish a positive online reputation. Multiple and current reviews boost local search and rankings, increase conversions, and reduce returns and complaints. This feedback system translates into your business improving products and services for even greater customer satisfaction.

Encourage your satisfied customers to take the time to write about their experience. As a business owner, you should consider all of the online review platforms that are available and relevant to your business such as TripAdvisor, Angie’s List, Yelp, Google Local, LinkedIn, and CitySearch and more. Customers are more likely to give you feedback right away the sooner you ask. Be sure to thank each client who reviews their experience. This simple act will turn a happy customer into an incredibly loyal supporter with the potential to bring in new business. Here is an article to help guide and improve Your Presence on the Web.

Publishing positive and negative reviews help portray your company as balanced and honest. Although it might seem like a good idea to funnel out the negative reviews be sure to publish both. People expect to see some negative feedback and will be curious to see how the company addresses customer’s concerns. More often, a customer is loyal to the company and voices their negative experience as a means to help the company improve through constructive feedback. Listing such remarks assures the customer their comments, and the time they make to articulate them, are being heard and addressed fairly. This helps to prove that your ratings are honest and validates the positive reputation your company has worked hard to earn and maintain.